import Data.Char (isDigit, ord) import Data.List (genericLength, group, groupBy, sort) import Data.Map (alter, empty, (!)) import Sat (solve)
problem = ["-0-1--1-", "-3--23-2", "--0----0", "-3--0---", "---3--0-", "1----3--", "3-13--3-", "-0--3-3-"]
main = do case solveSlitherLink problem of Nothing -> putStrLn "Impossible" Just answer -> putStrLn $ showAnswer problem answer
solveSlitherLink problem = solveUntil (oneLoop w) $ makeSlitherLinkConstraints problem where w = genericLength $ head problem
makeSlitherLinkConstraints problem = concat $ gridCnstss ++ numCnstss where gridCnstss = gridConstraints w h numCnstss = numberConstraints problem w = genericLength $ head problem h = genericLength problem
oneLoop :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Bool oneLoop w answer = length edges == length (search $ fst $ head edges) where edges = map (toGridPoints) $ filter (> 0) answer toGridPoints var | isHorzEdge var = horz var | otherwise = vert var isHorzEdge v = (v - 1) `mod` lw < w horz v = (((v - 1) `mod` lw, (v - 1) `div` lw), ((v - 1) `mod` lw + 1, (v - 1) `div` lw)) vert v = (((v - 1) `mod` lw - w, (v - 1) `div` lw), ((v - 1) `mod` lw - w, (v - 1) `div` lw + 1)) lw = 2 * w + 1 graph = foldl update empty edges update m (c1, c2) = alter (f c2) c1 $ alter (f c1) c2 m f c Nothing = Just [c] f c (Just o) = Just (c:o) search pt = loop [pt] $ head (graph ! pt) loop path p | p `elem` path = path | otherwise = loop (p:path) $ next p (head path) next p o = head $ filter (/= o) $ (graph ! p)
numberConstraints :: [String] -> [[[Integer]]] numberConstraints problem = map (cellConstraints w) $ map (\(n,pt) -> (ord n - ord '0', pt)) $ cellNums where cellNums = filter (isDigit . fst) $ zip (concat problem) $ allCells allCells = [(x,y) | y <- [0..h-1], x <- [0..w-1]] w = genericLength $ head problem h = genericLength problem
cellConstraints w (n,(x,y)) = cnst where cnst = dnf2cnf edges $ cellEdgePatterns !! n edges = [u, u + w, u + w + 1, u + 2 * w + 1] u = y * (2 * w + 1) + x + 1
cellEdgePatterns :: [[[Integer]]] cellEdgePatterns = map (\n -> filter (edgeNum n) ps) [0..4] where edgeNum n = (== n) . length . filter (> 0) ps = multiply $ replicate 4 [-1, 1]
gridConstraints :: Integer -> Integer -> [[[Integer]]] gridConstraints w h = map mulCoeffs [gridEdges w h x y | (x,y) <- allGridPoint] where mulCoeffs ls = dnf2cnf ls $ gridPointEdgePatterns !! (length ls) allGridPoint = [(x, y) | y <- [0..h], x <- [0..w]]
gridEdges :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> [Integer] gridEdges w h x y = concat [u, l, r, d] where u | y == 0 = [] | otherwise = [p - w - 1] l | x == 0 = [] | otherwise = [p - 1] r | x == w = [] | otherwise = [p] d | y == h = [] | otherwise = [p + w] p = y * (2 * w + 1) + x + 1
gridPointEdgePatterns :: [[[Integer]]] gridPointEdgePatterns = map convert [0..4] where convert = filter has0or2edges . multiply . flip replicate [-1, 1] has0or2edges = is0or2 . length . filter (> 0) is0or2 n = n == 0 || n == 2
showAnswer :: [String] -> [Integer] -> String showAnswer problem answer = unlines $ map concat $ sandwich horz cells where frame = map (splitAt w) $ pack (2 * w + 1) $ sortOf abs answer w = length $ head problem cells = zipWith sandwich (map (map toVert. snd) frame) $ map label pproblem label = map (\c -> [' ', c, ' ']) horz = map (sandwich (repeat "+") . map toHorz . fst) frame pproblem = map (map (\c -> if c `elem` "0123" then c else ' ')) problem toHorz x | x > 0 = "---" | otherwise = " " toVert x | x > 0 = "|" | otherwise = " "
solveUntil :: ([Integer] -> Bool) -> [[Integer]] -> Maybe [Integer] solveUntil f constraints = case solve constraints of Nothing -> Nothing Just answer -> if f answer then Just answer else solveUntil f $ exclude answer : constraints where exclude answer = map negate answer
dnf2cnf vars dnf = map (map ref) reducedCnf where reducedCnf = restoreVar $ removeTrueClauses $ map groupVars cnf cnf = multiply $ map (zipWith (*) [1..]) dnf groupVars = map (uniq . sort) . groupOf abs . sortOf abs removeTrueClauses = filter (all single) restoreVar = uniq . sort . map (map head) ref i | i > 0 = vars !! (fromInteger (i - 1)) | i < 0 = -(vars !! (fromInteger (-i - 1)))
multiply :: [[a]] -> [[a]] multiply [] = [] multiply [xs] = map (\x -> [x]) xs multiply (xs:xss) = concatMap (\x -> map (x:) $ multiply xss) xs
sandwich (a:_) [] = [a] sandwich (a:as) (b:bs) = a:b: sandwich as bs
sortOf :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] sortOf f = map snd . sort . map (\x -> (f x, x))
groupOf f = groupBy (\a b -> f a == f b)
pack n [] = [] pack n xs = (take n xs) : pack n (drop n xs)
single [x] = True single _ = False
uniq :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] uniq = map head . group